Angel Chevrestt
The MTA has approved a sweeping fare and toll hike, including a raise in the price of a monthly MetroCard from $104 to $112.
The MTA's board – including Chairman Joe Lhota, who will step down on Friday in order to run for mayor -- approved sweeping fare and toll hikes at their monthly board meeting this morning that will raise the price of a monthly MetroCard from $104 to a whopping $112.
The hikes will also make weekly unlimited ride cards $30 - up a dollar from their current price - and will include a twenty five cent increase to the base fare, bringing it to $2.50.
The hikes also include a $1 green fee every time a rider gets a new MetroCard from the machine – which means the rider opted not to refill a current MetroCard.
Officials scrapped a plan to eliminate the seven percent bonus on pay-per-ride purchases over $10 following outcry from the public.
Instead, the MTA will lower the bonus to five percent. But it will kick in on purchases five dollars and over, an effort to take the sting out of raising the base fare to $2.50.
A single ride ticket - typically used by tourists and non-regular riders - will rise to $2.75, up from $2.50.
The hikes go into effect in March.
Board members overwhelmingly expressed regret at hiking fares, but said they had no choice.
"What you have before you is the best of a not so great situation," said board member Andrew Albert.
Nearly all said the system must receive more funding to take the burden off of riders.
"Government seems to lack a will to find an alternative," said Charles Moerdler.
He said he'd support a tax on high incomes to fund mass transit. "Yes that tax would hit me and dammit its a good idea," he said.
The hikes will take effect in March.
The increases come one day after it was revealed that Lhota will step down on Friday in order to run on the GOP ticket for mayor. Lhota has been talked up for in recent months after the MTA performed well after Hurricane Sandy.
MTA approves sweeping fare, toll hikes
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MTA approves sweeping fare, toll hikes